Working out test tensions

Roosevelt School students and parents

learned karate moves at school event.
By: Donna Lukiw
   Students and parents from Roosevelt Elementary School kicked their way through the mandatory state tests this week — then participated in a family karate night March 15.
   "Students got a chance to learn a few stretching exercises, defensive moves and a few karate kicks," Stephanie Cornelson, Roosevelt PTA president said. "We try to have a variety of themes for family nights so that all students will have a chance to participate in something they’re interested in."
   Students and parents learned karate moves from professional Christopher Leyesa, of East Windsor. He has been an instructor at East Coast Martial Arts Institute in Hightstown for many years.
   Mr. Leyesa has been taking lessons since he was seven years old and has competed nationally on Team USA.
   Typically, Roosevelt Elementary School draws in about 100 students and parents for family night events and although karate night only brought in 50 people, Ms. Cornelson said the event was still successful.
   "Although karate night did not have as big of a turnout as some of the other family nights, I feel it was still successful because some students and their families who haven’t been to a family night before got a chance to participate in a school event and hang out with some of the school’s staff," she said.