Iraq war part of war on terrorism

I would suggest the writer (“Iraq war not a result of 9/11” March 29) has replaced fear with denial.

While Iraq may not have been directly involved with 9/11, it certainly was a terrorist nation, one that supported terrorism worldwide.

It harbored terrorists, (Abu Nidal), hosted training camps and paid the families of suicide bombers.

Anti-semitism in Europe has reached proportions not seen since the 1930s. Sharia law is sanctioned in many European countries and Canada. In the United States, Muslim taxi drivers refuse to transport passengers accompanied by dogs or carrying liquor. There are those that would sanction plural marriage in this country since it is encouraged by the Koran. CARE is assisting the Moslem clerics removed from an airliner for questionable behavior in attempting to sue the passengers that voiced concern.

If you’re not afraid, please at least be concerned. Don’t fall back on the illusion that it can’t happen here. It can.

Those that oppose the Iraq War conveniently forget the 17 U.N. sanctions or that pilots in the no-fly zone were fired upon. This war is only one part of the war on terror; to ignore the threat is to condemn our children and grandchildren to a world without freedom or democracy.

Nancy Kennedy
