Marlboro voters should examine mayor’s record

Recently, the newly appointed Marlboro Republican municipal chairman John C. Gibardi wrote that “Marlboro Mayor Robert Kleinberg’s record stands on its own. When a mayor has accomplished as much as he has during his initial term, reality is that political rivals must create spin and divert attention away from those accomplishments.”

Yet nowhere in his letter did he cite one example of Mayor Kleinberg’s positive record, rather he ripped into his Democratic counterpart over his recent letter.

After three-and-one-half years of proclaiming himself the “man who cleaned up Marlboro,” it has become impossible for Kleinberg to run his re-election campaign on that slogan ever since the real corruption fighter, U.S. Attorney Chris-topher Christie, disavowed any endorsement of Mayor Kleinberg in the Feb. 7, 2007 edition of the News Transcript.

Does Chairman Gibardi count as Mayor Kleinberg’s accomplishments the tax increases exceeding 60 percent in three years; or the lack of COAH compliance thanks in part to the corrupt dealings of the former Republican mayor and Planning Board members and the approval of over 1,200 new homes; or perhaps the more than $1.5 million of taxpayer money spent on legal fees rather than on recreation programs, senior programs or community improvements; or even the $60,000 spent in municipal office renovations when only $500 was spent on economic development that could save residents real tax dollars … perhaps it is the hidden taxes in the form of higher municipal fees for homeowner’s permits, pool club dues and recycling fees.

Yes, Mr. Gibardi, the mayor’s record does stand on its own.

Jason Simon
