St. Bernadette’s Church, 20 Villanova Road, Parlin section of Old Bridge, will celebrate is 50th anniversary with a dinner-dance beginning at 1 p.m. (after the 11:30 a.m. Mass) on Sept. 30 at the Grand Marquis, Route 9, Old Bridge.
The event will feature a cocktail hour, dinner and dancing. Music will be provided by Bobby Byrne. Cost is $55 per person.
For more information and to reserve, call JoAnn at (732) 727-5858 or Marie at (732) 721-9262.
Raffle books for the 50/50 are available after all Sunday Masses at the church and through anniversary committee members. Cost is $1 per ticket, $10 per book. For more information, call Barbara at (732) 721-3643.
Ad-journal sponsors are sought. For prices and to purchase an ad, call Barbara at (732) 721-3643 or Betty at (732) 727-4642.