A township committee should be a group of concerned, mature, dedicated public servants. It should not be a psychiatric ward.
After reading Drew Shapiro’s attacks in the recent News Transcript (“Attorney’s Actions Deserve Attention,” July 18), it’s not hard to see how our taxes were raised 28 percent this year, the symphony was lost, good people have resigned from town hall and the township wastes money starting nonsense lawsuits against Mr. Shapiro’s enemies.
Last year, Mr. Shapiro left us with a record debt. Andrew Lucas couldn’t figure out how to deal with that and gave us a 28 percent tax increase this year, on top of the increase from the revaluation. Our tax bills have increased thousands of dollars, not hundreds of dollars. There’s no question the last two mayors, Mr. Shapiro and Mr. Lucas, are responsible for this.
It’s ridiculous that Mr. Shapiro comes up to the microphone meeting after meeting and attacks Stu Moskovitz, and then cries that Stu is picking on him. Mr. Shapiro even attacked Stu’s 2005 bills to the township.
Where was Mr. Shapiro in 2005 when those bills were looked at every month and passed every month, while Mr. Shapiro kept his mouth shut? I guess he only likes to attack Stu when Stu’s not there to defend himself.
Stu is my attorney. I’m proud of that. Stu is the attorney for many residents in Manalapan, who are just as proud of that. We all know that Mr. Shapiro’s attacks, and Mr. Lucas’ support of those attacks, are disgusting and totally false. We also know that Stu will take care of these attacks easily and quickly.
But I’m getting a little aggravated that goons are running our government and are worried more about attacking people than accomplishing anything for the taxpayers.
I haven’t been very active in politics, but after reading Mr. Shapiro’s foaming rages, that’s going to change this year. And it will for my friends, too. I will not sit back and see another three years of the embarrassing government that created this year’s tax bill. I’m paying thousands of dollars in taxes this year that I shouldn’t have to pay. Now it’s personal.
Lisa M. Dimino