Richard Krenzel’s opposition to the Monmouth-Ocean-Middlesex (MOM) passenger rail line (“Where Is Guarantee that Rail Line Will Not Cause Home Value to Drop?” News Transcript, Letters to the Editor, July 11) appears to be based on home values and not the transportation needs of travelers.
His question regarding his willingness to support the MOM line if guaranteed by reader Daniel Green to make up any loss he may incur when he sells his house appears to be academic, since he did not volunteer to pay Mr. Green for an increase in his house value, which could result from the introduction of a light rail line in Middlesex County.
Many decades ago we had more rail lines in New Jersey than we have today, although the population was sparser. Unfortunately, nearsighted planners at the time eliminated many lines, and we are paying for that today in reduced rail service and additional road congestion.
Adding lines is expensive, but building additional roads, even if we had the room, is even more expensive.
Hence, not adding lines on existing track beds might have a far greater long-term negative impact that future generations will have to live with. It’s time that we change our “what’s in it for me?” attitude to a “what’s best for the future of New Jersey?” attitude.
One need only look at the successful light rail line in Jersey City and the positive impact it has had on the housing industry.
I supported the MOM line as a resident of Middlesex County. Since moving to Ocean County, I am even more convinced that the MOM line is needed, especially when crossing over idle railroad tracks while stuck in traffic congestion on Route 9.
Bob Ahlers