Brain-tumor group offers support, info

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital sponsors Brain Tumor Support Group meetings at 7 p.m. every second Monday of the month in the first-floor children’s section of the hospital, One Robert Wood Johnson Place, New Brunswick.

The goal of the support group is to provide an environment where brain-tumor survivors and their families and friends can help and encourage one another. We have an opportunity to share information and experiences encountered before and after surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. For those of us who have experienced the difficulties associated with a brain-tumor operation and subsequent rehabilitation, these meetings serve a positive bonding function since we experience how others are coping with their ordeals.

While nonmedical in nature, the meetings offer a wealth of information available from a number of brain-tumor associations. The sharing of information also has suggested that there is much hope for those diagnosed with a brain tumor since the medical profession has made tremendous advances in recent years.

For questions and information on how to join the group, please contact Bill Robinson at (848) 228-1476.

Bob Ahlers
