Residents thankful for helpful volunteers

Allison Elkow Lazicky Summerville Senior Living
   This week, as we celebrate National Assisted Living Week, Summerville Senior Living would like to take a moment to thank all the great people in Hillsborough who make a difference every day in the lives of our residents.
   We would like to highlight a few special groups of people:
   First, to the Hillsborough Police Department, fire department and rescue squad: we salute you for your commitment to our senior population. You are always there when we need you and our residents, family, and staff appreciate the services you provide.
   To the many local churches and youth groups, especially our friends at Mary Mother of God Church for fulfilling our residents spiritual needs: From the priests who come to say Mass, to the Rosarians who visit our residents monthly, to the youth who volunteer prior to their confirmation by visiting our residents and assisting with activities, we thank each of you.
   To the fine students from Hillsborough High School who volunteer their time to brighten the days of our residents: Your energy, smiles and respect touch our resident’s lives each and every time that you enter of community. We appreciate your dedication to bridging the generations.
   To the various sports teams from the middle school and high school who take time out of their busy sports schedules to come as a team and visit with our residents: Your Bingo games bring joy and laughter to the building.
   To the numerous Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops who come to sing, dance and play games with us: We love to see you and appreciate that we are on your minds as you plan your troop’s events.
   To Virginia Hutson and the Senior Citizen Chapter B group — you are incredible! From your pancake breakfast, to your sing-a-longs, to your holiday celebrations, our residents look forward to your visits.
   And finally, to the Hillsborough residents who volunteer in many ways … sharing talents, visiting residents and bringing sunshine to our Assisted Living, we thank you all.
   Each and everyone one of you make our Assisted Living residents feel as though they are a part of the Hillsborough community as well as the Summerville Assisted Living community.