• Teen dances for sixth- and seventhgrade residents of Jackson will be held at the Jackson Senior Center, 45 Don Connor Blvd., Oct. 26 and Nov. 16. Registration begins Sept. 22 and requires proof of grade. Tickets are $5 and include soda, snacks and dancing. Call for registration information: (732) 928-1200, ext. 255.
• A flea market hosted by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus Council 6201, 401 Bartley Road, Jackson, will be held Sept. 22 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Vendors are welcome to rent tables at a cost of $15 each. Food will be available all day. Details: (732) 942-9437 or (732) 928- 6009.
• The Garden State Chapter of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation will conduct its seventh annual myasthenia gift auction Sept. 23 at noon at the Taylor Pavilion on the boardwalk in Belmar. Free admission. Donations accepted. Attendees may bring lunch and lawn chairs. Details: (732) 814-0248.
• SPARK (Special Needs Parents Advocating for Resources and Knowledge) will meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 25 at the New Egypt Middle School, 117 Evergreen Road, Plumsted. Details: www.newegypt.us.
• “Night of the Chefs” will be presented Sept. 26, 6:30 p.m., at the Lakewood library, 301 Lexington Ave. The free event is in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and features a sampling of culinary treats prepared by members of the community. All are welcome. Registration is currently being accepted. Call (732) 363-1435, ext. 2100.
• New Jersey Blood Services will conduct a blood drive from 2:30-8 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Ocean County Mall, 1201 Hooper Ave., Toms River. Blood and platelet donors must be at least age 17 years old, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in generally good health. For details and other locations: (800) 933- BLOOD.
• Carol Lian, a classical and improvisational pianist, will perform Gershwin and Chopin selections on Sept. 29 at 2 p.m. at the Jackson library, 2 Jackson Drive. Guest artist Carol Liebowitz will deliver a short presentation. Details: (732) 928-4400.
• Yard Sale – Spirit-Filled Life Ministries will hold an end-of-the-summer yard sale Sept. 29 at 1327 Ventura Drive, Lakewood, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
• The Hope Presbyterian Church of Lakewood, 617 Hope Chapel Road, Lakewood, will host its 104th annual Harvest Home Dinner, Oct. 6 at 4, 5:30 and 7 p.m. The family-style turkey dinner with all the fixings and homemade desserts will cost $10.95 for adults and $5.95 for children. Details and reservations: (732) 364- 8318 or (732) 279-4224.
• The Ocean County Retired Educators Association (OCREA) will hold its fall meeting-luncheon on Oct. 11 at the Claflin House at the Lakewood Country Club, Lakewood. The day’s events will commence at 11 a.m. with a business meeting followed by a guest speaker and lunch. Reservation forms are in the Wavelet newsletter or on the Web site at www.ocrea.net and should be mailed with a $22 check payable to OCREA by Sept. 29 to Stefanie Rotsaert, 1 Ridgemont Lane, Whiting 08759. Details: (732) 350-2904.
• Jackson residents can meet Mayor Mark Seda to ask questions and share concerns at the Jackson library, 2 Jackson Drive, from 6-7 p.m. Oct. 17. This program is free and open to the public. No registration is necessary. Details: (732) 928-4400.
• Bingo games are held at the New Egypt Elks Lodge, 105 Lakewood Road, Plumsted, every Monday night. Early bird starts at 7 p.m., bingo starts at 7:15 p.m. Progressive jackpot. Details: (609) 758- 8700.
• The youth group at the DeBows United Methodist Church is open to any area youth in grades six through 12. It meets Sunday nights from 6-7:30 p.m. The church is at the intersection of Route 537 and Route 571, Jackson. Details: (732) 928-4475.
• Grief Share, an ongoing seminar and support group for those who are grieving the death of someone close, meets Saturday mornings from 10 a.m. to noon at the Church of Grace and Peace, 1563 Old Freehold Road, Toms River, in the Barnabas Building. Details: (732) 349-1550, ext. 204.
• The Jackson Regular Republican Organization meets at 8 p.m. on the fourth Wednesday of every month at the Italian American Club on Christopher Columbus Boulevard, Jackson. All Republicans are welcome. Details: (732) 833-9333.
• Kimball Medical Center Jackson- Howell Auxiliary Unit meets the third Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at Bella Terra assisted living facility, Kathleen Drive, Jackson. New members are always welcome. Details: (732) 364-1797.
• The Jackson Women of Today meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 401 Bartley Road, Jackson. New members welcome. Details: (732) 833- 6800.