Send Fedun, Fox to Trenton

Bill Forbes of Montgomery
    For many years, Montgomery has been under-represented at the state government level. Now, we have a chance to correct that with two exceptional candidates: Michael Fedun for State Assembly and Wayne Fox for State Senate. I have been privileged to know Mike for nearly 25 years, many of which he has assisted the Montgomery EMS with pro bono legal advice, in addition to his numerous other community volunteer activities. You can count on him to roll up his sleeves at the Statehouse and represent the needs of the people and not the special interest lobbyists prevalent today in Trenton.
   Wayne Fox, also long active in local community service, has won my confidence that his fiscally conservative approach and strong business resume will help control our taxes.
   Both men will far better represent us than their opponents, who certainly do not deserve promotion given their lax records of public oversight demonstrated by their connection to the Somerset County Parks scandal.Please vote on November 6th and carefully consider our best chance for local representation in Trenton – Wayne Fox and Michael Fedun.
Bill Forbes
Griggstown Road