Start walking to get healthy

Suzanne Sutphin
Thank you, Hunterdon County!
   As a local resident, business executive and chairperson of the American Heart Association “Start!” Hunterdon-Somerset County Heart Walk, I want to thank the businesses, community, local organizations, residents and survivors of heart disease and stroke from throughout Hunterdon County for making “Start!” heart walk a great success.
   Hundreds of walkers joined us Oct. 6 at Duke Island Park, raising a projected $250,000 to help fund research, community programs and education to help save lives the lives of our loved ones, family members, friends and coworkers here in Hunterdon County.
   Thanks to events like “Start!” the American Heart Association has funded lifesaving research that has brought us such milestones as CPR, microsurgery, artificial heart valves, the pacemaker, coronary bypass surgery, heart valve replacement surgery and much more.
   ”Start!” is a bold, new American Heart Association movement to get America walking. More than 140 million people are overweight or obese. Obesity costs American business $225.8 billion in annual health-related productivity losses.
   ”Start!” offers workplaces and communities a solution. The focus is simple: Walk more, eat well, live longer.
   Let’s all get walking to live longer and healthier.
   The success would not have been possible without the support provided by local volunteers, teams and sponsors.
   We want to recognize the special contributions by national sponsors Subway, Healthy Choice and AstraZeneca and local sponsors King Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer Inc., News 12 New Jersey and The Star-Ledger.
   Join the American Heart Association “Start!” movement, and be sure to wear something red Friday, Feb. 1, the fifth annual American Heart Association National Wear Red Day for Women.
   Learn more by calling the American Heart Association New Jersey state office at 609-208-0020.
Suzanne Sutphin
2007 American Heart Association
Hunterdon-Somerset County
Heart Walk