East Brunswick Hadassah will sponsor a book fair from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Nov. 11 at Barnes and Noble, Brunswick Square Mall, Route 18, East Brunswick.
Author Shirley Wachtel will speak at 1 p.m. about her book “The True Story of Blima, A Holocaust Survivor,” based on her mother’s life. Israeli author Michal Gorvin will discuss the book “Snapshots” at 3 p.m. Books of Jewish interest (including those written by the speakers) as well as items for Hanukkah will be on display.
Barnes and Noble will donate a portion of the proceeds to Hadassah based on book sales during the event. Hadassah bookfair vouchers must be presented at the register at the time of purchase. Copies of the voucher may be downloaded from www.eastbrunswick.hadassah.org. Additional vouchers will be available upon request at the Hadassah table in the store.
For more information, call (732) 432- 5932.