Arainy day in October proved to be the setting for yet another record-breaking book sale. Those community members who helped by setting up, breaking down, donating books, baking, providing beverages, selling, organizing, creating and erecting signage, spreading the words, etc., helped to make it happen. For our “Love-Themand Read-Them” in February, we need even more volunteers to additionally assist with the breakdown of the sale.
Following is our list of shining stars. (If your name inadvertently did not make our list, please forgive us.) On a personal note, I extend a sincere thank you for everyone filling in for me on Friday evening so I could spend time with little Asher Theodore. To those Friends, I missed seeing, a special thank you:
Reema Anwar, Verina Atalla, Luda Bakunovich, Joe Beim, Donna Burzynski, Chris Carbone, Evelyn Catoe, Pat Dahl, Saleena Davidson, Dorayne DeMoore, Amishi Desai, Gary Edelman, Janet Einstein, Donna Flegal, Wendy Heisler, Joan Fleming, Bud Freitag, Joan Gibb, Gilda Gildenberg, Larry Gildenberg, Donald Gray, Linda Gray, Sharon Hsu, Bart Jackson, Lorraine Jackson, Debra Johnson, Suraj Khasnavees, Bette Koffler, Claire Krucher, Manas Kulkarni, Julia Lea, Ceil Leedom, Barbara Lustig, Dan Maltby, Tarj Mehta, Joe Melton, Viran Patel, Sahil Ramchandani, Katharine Ritterman, Saul Ritterman, Lease Ruddick, Ruth Ruddick, Viji Savithri, Aggie Schwartz, Lew Schwartz, Rohan Shah, Geri Stover, Althea Wurmbrand, and Mort Wurmbrand. Saleena, thank you for rallying our YAC group.
The winners of our two membership door prizes were Yan Yu Zeng and Kavita and Kamal Pamnanni. We offer our congratulations to the winners as well as to all of our new Friends. One of our membership baskets included a signed book by Janet Evanovich. We thank Pat Dahl for her generous donation.
Our second Daphne Powell memorial concert was a great success. Duo Pavel performed superbly at a very well attended performance.
Make sure to join us at our holiday open house and participate in our “Family Feud” contest. Details to follow.
Susan Edelman
President Friends of the South Brunswick Library