No problems uncovered in Jackson school audit


JACKSON – A financial audit for the fiscal year July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 has been provided to the Jackson Board of Education and the news is good. Auditors did not uncover any problems with the way the district handles its finances.

“Two reports that are filed are the Auditor’s Management Report, a smaller report, and the Certified Annual Financial Report (CAFR),” said auditor John Swisher, of Suplee, Clooney and Company, Westfield, during the Nov. 20 meeting of the board.

Swisher said the Auditor’s Management Report focuses on the school district’s compliance with laws and regulations of the state. It also has different areas of compliance including administrative practices and procedures, financial reporting, purchasing and student activities, he said.

“If there were recommendations they would be in this report,” Swisher said. “Last year there was one recommendation involving the advertising of professional service contracts and that was corrected.”

The auditor said he was happy to report to the board and district administrators that there were no recommendations this year.

The second report, the CAFR, contains all of the financial information for the district and summarizes all of the financial transactions.

Swisher told the board that all things considered, the Jackson K-12 School District is in solid financial condition. The total school district budget for the 2007-08 school year is $130.4 million.

To view the complete audit go to the school district’s Internet Web site at