Primary registration

   New Jersey’s new presidential primary election is Tuesday, Feb. 5. The deadline for changing party affiliation is Dec. 17. The League of Women Voters wishes to remind voters of New Jersey’s rules for voting in primary elections.
   Voters who have, in the past, voted in a primary are considered affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican party and may vote only for that party’s candidates on Feb. 5. Registered members of the Green, Libertarian and other third parties may not vote in either the Democratic or Republican primary.
   A registered voter who has never voted in any primary election or who has never declared affiliation with a party is considered unaffiliated. That voter may go to the polls on February 5 and choose to vote either for the Democratic or Republican ticket. However, that voter is then affiliated with the party he or she chose and will be allowed to vote only for that party in subsequent primaries unless he or she files a party affiliation declaration form to change his or her affiliation.
   If a voter wishes to change affiliation, he or she must file a party affiliation declaration form with the county clerk, commissioner of registration, or municipal clerk no later than 50 days before the next primary. For the presidential primary, that deadline is Dec. 17.
   The Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form may be downloaded from the Web (, picked up at the County Election office, or requested from an election official during November’s general election. The newest New Jersey Voter Registration Application may also be used; however, the deadline mentioned on that form 21 days before an election” applies only to new registrations and changes of names or address. The deadline for changing party affiliation remains 50 days before the next primary or, for the presidential primary, Dec. 17.
   The League urges voters to take time now to assure that they are eligible to vote for the party of their choice in February.
Anne M. Zeman, of Kingston
Ms. Zeman is president of the League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area.