BRICK TOWNSHIP – It was only three years ago that the township and Save Barnegat Bay won their fight to keep condos out of Traders Cove.
The victory came after state Superior Court Judge Eugene D. Serpentelli mediated a settlement between the township, Save Barnegat Bay and the owners of the site, Paramount Properties.
Paramount had planned to build 52 luxury condominiums, a restaurant and an expanded marina on the site off Mantoloking Road.
But Acropolis, Brick and Save Barnegat Bay officials, including President William deCamp, fought “in the trenches” to keep that from happening.
The Township Council overturned a Board of Adjustment’s approval of Paramount’s application.
Paramount’s president, Jeffrey Fernbach, appealed the council’s decision in Superior Court.
When the settlement was announced, a new scenario was in place. A public marina, boat launch, a boardwalk for fishing and crabbing and a nautical museum or sailing center would take the place of the condos.
The site was dubbed Traders Cove. The plans would be financed by a partnership consisting of Brick, the state Department of Environmental Protection, Ocean County and Save Barnegat Bay.
Each entity was expected to pony up a share of the $8 million purchase cost.
But things have changed. Three summers later, the Planning Board and the Township Council voted to declare Traders Cove “an area in need of redevelopment.”
That designation made it possible for the township to begin meeting with various redevelopers who would build and operate the marina, not the township.
And that designation has also created a rift between the township and Save Barnegat Bay.
DeCamp contends the township is reneging on paying its share of the initial project by going with a redeveloper for the marina.
Save Barnegat Bay also objects to the size of the future marina, which could have up to 193 slips instead of the current 139 slips.
“The whole problem is that Brick has suddenly come up with the attitude that they never promised to bring anything to the table,” decamp said.
Acropolis said he appreciated de- Camp’s previous efforts for Traders Cove, but said Brick officials’ first responsibility is to Brick taxpayers, not Save Barnegat Bay.
“I really dislike it when people like Willie deCamp come into Brick Township and try to tell us how to run our town,” Acropolis said.