Manville firm helps update cancer information Web site

By Audrey Levine Staff Writer
   It took additional features and a more professional style to jump from a possible 100 hits per day to a possible 300 hits.
   For Galvanek & Wahl Advertising Agency, on South Main Street, it was all in a day’s work when the agency agreed to redo the Web site for the American Cancer Educational Services (ACES), based in Hillsborough.
   ”It was a huge leap for the organization to go from a static Web site to one with so many new features,” said Paxton Galvanek, CEO of the agency. “There has been a lot of positive feedback (from visitors).”
   This positive feedback included about 5,000 hits in the span of three weeks, Mr. Galvanek said.
   The Web site was made for the ACES, an online organization created in 2005 to assist in finding information about the myriad forms of cancer, by filtering out the most helpful and effective Web sites for important facts.
   ”We want people to not feel like they are completely overwhelmed with cancer information,” said Shari Lerer, of Hillsborough, who co-founded the organization with her husband and four other friends. “We want them to feel like they can come to our Web site first and we will give them three or four of the best places to look for facts.”
   According to Mr. Galvanek, the original site was very “static,” without the opportunity to add content, links or other applications. He said his company created a content management system to allow the founders of the organization to edit the material whenever necessary.
   In addition, he said, the site now holds an open forum for those wishing to ask questions, in addition to a calendar, images, phone directory, outside links and the ability to stream to other news sources.
   ”The old site looked amateur,” he said. “Ms. Lerer had told me that the new site was going to be the backbone of the company.”
   Mr. Galvanek said he met Ms. Lerer and her husband, Henry Stryder, through the Somerset County Business Partnership, and worked with her to create an entire advertising campaign, including a new logo, business cards and stationary.
   ”They needed help taking their business and their worthy cause to a professional level,” he said. “The Web site is the backbone of their company, and they use the site to help educate people in ‘layman’s’ terms and help them get through their battles with cancer.”
   ACES began in 2005 as a way to effectively provide information to those wanting to learn more about cancer diagnoses. According to Ms. Lerer, those with questions can visit the Web site and submit specific questions about the disease. Responses are sent back after Ms. Lerer and the other founders research where on the Internet the answers can be found.
   Overall, the purpose of the organization, Ms. Lerer said, is to provide a way for those dealing with cancer to find information easily and effectively.
   ”When you have all the information, you feel empowered, not like a victim,” she said. “You feel like you are part of the process.”
   In addition to their work on the ACES Web site, Mr. Galvanek said his agency does work for major organizations, including Bristol Myers Squibb, and smaller businesses in Manville and the surrounding towns. He said the company just completed a Web site for the Manville Business and Professionals Association.
   ”We try to give back to the community,” he said.
   For more information on ACES, visit the Web site at