Hunting doesn’t contribute to society’s greater need

While I understand we all have civil liberties and those who hunt have a right to do so, I am not sure how anyone can justify that a park is an appropriate site for the killing of any creature to take place. I believe parks were designed for people to get back in touch with nature and to work to preserve as much natural space as possible.

In a society that is flooded with images of violence, we are in desperate need for space to be able to reconnect with our natural surroundings and to be able to provide this to our children. Hunting is not a sport as a sport is defined as something that we engage in for pleasure and recreational activity.

Hunting was considered a chore and something that was born of necessity. How is sitting in a tree, smelling like a deer, possibly drinking a beer, the same as hunting to provide a family with food, clothing, and furniture?

We all need to work to provide our children with the opportunity to know the value of nature and protect our open space that has been set aside for this purpose. For those who feel that by paying for a hunting license you are contributing to the greater need of our society, volunteerism is a wonderful way to support the community and contribute in a valuable way!

Michelle Gorman
