Iwish that I could understand how it is better to build a 300-plus-car parking lot at 1 Truman Drive South, one mile from the Edison Train Station, instead of a 600-plus-car parking lot along the westbound side of the station. NJ Transit (NJT) is now ready to build the lot at the station. However, Mayor Choi told NJT not to proceed with the construction of this lot. Here is an e-mail I received from NJT.
We are replying to your request for information of 1/15/2008 regarding subject: Parking deck in Edison.
NJT has not scrapped plans to improve parking at the Edison RR Station. At the request of the Mayor of Edison, we have put our plans on hold while the Township works out the details of it’s [sic] plan with a private developer.
Thank you for contacting NJ TRANSIT.
I understand that the area near the train station, along Plainfield Avenue, is being studied for redevelopment as part of the Edison Smart Growth initiative. When, or if, this area is redeveloped with retail shops and offices, parking will be needed. So why can’t the train station lot be constructed now and have 100 spots set aside for hourly parking? This would give the train commuters immediate parking relief without the hassle of waiting for shuttle buses from/to a satellite location and extending their commute. Keep in mind that the shuttle bus service ends at 8:30 p.m. Many commuters have been on a waiting list for a spot at the station for over 10 years. They have not been waiting for a spot one mile from the station. I understand that the Truman Drive lot can be ready in a few weeks and a lot along the station would take a few months.
So, Mr. Mayor, have your friends build your Truman Drive lot, but allow NJT to build the lot along the station. It is unfair to “sell” your Truman Drive lot as the commuters’ answer to parking without telling them that you stopped construction of the lot at the station. A parking lot at the station would better serve the commuters. Everything is set and ready to go, except for your approval.
Craig Prupis