Why ‘just plain folks’ can’t run for president

Elaine Jancourtz of Plainsboro
Regarding your editorial, (‘Condescending to condescend’), strangely enough I still hope to have major party candidates for the presidency of the United States who will be ’just plain folks’.
In historical terms Harry Truman’s presidency was not that long ago. Here was a plain, hometown man with a modest education and no spare funds who, according to current historical analyses, was one of our most effective presidents, while the elite Woodrow Wilson, is judged one of our least effective.
Most candidates today are either fabulously wealthy in their own right or closely connected to powerful and wealthy individuals (like George Soros) because there is no other way for them to circumvent the ridiculous restrictions placed on their campaigns by the McCain Feingold act. When that “law” is struck down I hope to see people like myself running for the presidency again.
Elaine Jancourtz
Aspen Drive