Public urged to press for passage of Lyme bill

As president of LymeQuest Support Group & Advocacy Project, I have watched with sadness as Lyme disease has devastated our communities and our state, disabled countless victims, and destroyed lives.

Many innocent children suffer and lose their childhood from the ravages of this disease, which can cause cardiac, neurological, musculo-skeletal and psychiatric manifestations. Many adults not diagnosed in time become chronically ill, unable to work or function.

New Jersey ranked third nationally in 2006 Lyme cases (most recent available). Other tick-borne diseases such as babesia, anaplasma and ehrlichia are also on the rise.

The Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease Prevention, Education and Research Act of 2007, HR- 741, (Chris Smith, N.J.-6) was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives where it has 99 co-sponsors. HR-741 authorizes $100 million over five years for developing a gold-standard test for Lyme disease, and improving disease surveillance and public education to prevent new cases of Lyme disease. It also creates a federal advisory task force.

This bill will soon die for lack of action. Congressman Frank Pallone (N.J.-6), chairman of the Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee has the power to put this bill on the committee calendar for a hearing.

Please call (202) 225-4671 or fax (202) 225-9665, Congressman Pallone’s Washington, D.C., office, and tell him how Lyme disease has impacted you, your family, your friends, your co-workers and your community. Urge him to put HR 741 on the committee calendar today.
Jeannnine Phillips
LymeQuest Support Group
& Advocacy Project
East Brunswick