Township briefs

Bloomingdale, Taurus drives fire zones extended
   The Township Committee unanimously approved the introduction of an ordinance Tuesday to amend the fire zone code to allow for the designation of several other fire zones along Bloomingdale Drive and Taurus Drive.
   The purpose of the changes is to allow fire equipment and other emergency vehicles to have unobstructed access to properties in the event of an emergency.
   According to Mayor Anthony Ferrera, the new designations were recommended by Chief Fire Marshal Chris Weniger.
   Pubic hearing for the ordinance will be held May 27.
Committee OKs depot declaration
   In an effort to move forward with the purchase and cleanup of the General Services Administration Belle Mead Depot, on Mountain View Road, the Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to accept the Planning Board’s April 10 recommendation that the 369 acres are in need of redevelopment.
   ”We are acting on the Planning Board’s recommendation,” Mayor Anthony Ferrera said at the meeting. “This step is important for financial planning and to qualify for Brownfields cleanup grant funding.”
   The Planning Board had made the recommendation to the committee after reviewing a report by CME Associates of Woodstock, Conn., March 27, which determined that the property fits the criteria for being in need of redevelopment.
   The entire 369 acres are going to be jointly purchased by the township and Somerset County for $17.5 million, which will be put into escrow accounts by the federal government for use in the cleanup of the property, including taking care of surface soil contamination from rail road ballast and oil used on the site in the past.
   Mayor Ferrera said that the next step in the project is to contact the Department of Community Affairs about the need for redevelopment, and to develop a plan to continue the process.
Consultant hired for planning wireless towers
   The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to hire Comp Comm, Inc., of Collingswood, as the Wireless Telecommunications Planning and Facility Consultant for the township.
   The company will help advise the township on cell phone antenna plans.
   The contract is for an amount not to exceed $150 per hour.
COAH adviser retained
   To comply with the third round requirements for the state’s Council on Affordable Housing (COAH), the Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to amend a previous contract with Jennifer Beahm, of Birdsall Engineering, Inc., of Eatontown, to prepare a COAH plan for the township.
   According to Mayor Anthony Ferrera, the township signed a contract with her during the initial third round regulations in November 2006, but are in need of her continued services to comply with the newest regulations, which are effective June 2.
   ”The consultant’s work is vital,” he said. “We are required by the state to do more work to fulfill the COAH requirements.”
   The contract will be extended until Dec. 31, 2008, at an amount not to exceed $20,000.
Summer hires approved
   The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to hire seven employees to work during the summer months, beginning May 12, for the Department of Public Works.
   The contract provides a salary of $10 per hour, for 40 hours per week and a maximum of 17 weeks of service.
   The employees hire are William Erdman, Marc Welch, Robert Pyne, Alex Rotolo, Ryan Kloss, Michael Smith and Michael Ostowski.
   The money to pay the employees will come from $46,095 provided to the township by the Clean Communities Grant Fund.
Foelsch named fire marshal
   The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to appoint David Foelsch as a full-time fire marshal in the Office of Fire Safety.
   The appointment, which was recommended by the Board of Fire Commissioners, will be effective as of May 5, at a salary of $41,631.
Fireworks company rehired
   In anticipation of its Independence Day festivities, the Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to execute a contract with Garden State Fireworks for the annual fireworks display, which will be held on June 28 at the Auten Road School.
   The contract is for an amount not to exceed $12,500.
   ”Garden State Fireworks has provided these services in the past in a safe and professional manner,” Mayor Anthony Ferrera said.
Surplus auction slated for May 17
   The Township Committee unanimously approved a resolution to set noon May 17 as the date for the annual auction of surplus property.
   The items will be auctioned off at the municipal garage, and have been compiled by the Hillsborough Township Police Department, the Department of Public Works and the Information Technology Department, and include bicycles, rings, sunglasses, fishing rods, wallets and other items.
   Profits from the auction will be turned over to the township treasurer.