In the News Transcript of May 14, 2008, both (Freehold Township Mayor) Eugene Golub (“We’re concerned why people didn’t show up to vote on the school budget”) and Township Committeeman David Salkin (“If people don’t bother to show up to vote …”) pose a question and make a statement about the lack of voter participation regarding the school budget.
Expecting normal voting hours, I went to vote at about 11 a.m. and was turned away being told that the polls did not open until 3 p.m. Hours for voting were from 3-8 p.m.
Unfortunately, I had another obligation requiring me to be away that afternoon and evening, so I missed my opportunity to vote on the budget. If the polls were open for other than the brief fivehour window, and included the morning and early afternoon hours, probably more people would have voted.
Fred Dickert
Freehold Township