Michele Katora, a sixth-grade student at Hammarskjold Middle School, East Brunswick, will hold her fourth annual Alex’s Lemonade Stand from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 7 at 2 Biernacki Court, East Brunswick, corner of Old Stage Road, across from Spotswood ShopRite.
This year Michele will conduct her stand in memory of Hammarskjold classmate Tara Nicole Stout, who passed away from leukemia on Sept. 26, 2007.
All proceeds will benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer. The stand will be one of hundreds of registeredAlex’s Lemonade Stands across the United States the weekend of June 7. Receipts may be provided for tax-deductible donations. Lemon slushies and fresh-squeezed lemonade will be available.
Additional information on the cause will be found at www.alexslemonade.org.