Iread Larry Doyle’s letter to the editor about Rosetta Fisher (“Qualifications, Not Politics, Should Determine Fitness to Serve,” Suburban, May 22). I wish Larry had called me first. He might have had second thoughts about his letter.
I don’t doubt for a minute and agree with Larry that Rosetta served her country proudly. I also agree with Larry that appointments should be made on merit. The one thing that Larry didn’t seem to understand is that one doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with the other.
As chairman of the Zoning Board, I have often been frustrated by members who would routinely not show up for scheduled meetings. On many occasions, meetings had to be canceled because members failed to be there as required. In my book, one of the biggest offenders was Rosetta Fisher. During the past year she missed seven of the 12 meetings. Residents as well as businesses had to pay their professionals for nothing.
I will agree with Larry on this: the appointment should be on merit. And Rosetta Fisher does not merit reappointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Michael D’Addio
Sayreville Zoning