Food items sought for JFVS food pantry

The food pantry at Jewish Family and Vocations Service provides food packages and vouchers to members of the community in need. In order to keep the food pantry well stocked, the pantry is requesting donations from the community. Items needed are canned vegetables, canned fruit, juice, peanut butter, jelly, mashed potato flakes, rice, boxed macaroni and cheese, pasta, pasta sauce, canned soup, canned fish, canned beans (vegetarian only), nuts, hot and cold cereals, condiments (e.g., ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard), Jell-O/pudding mix, and packaged cookies.

Donations should be brought to Jewish Family and Vocational Service, 200 Metroplex Drive, Suite 200, Edison. For more information, call Jill at 732-777-1940.