Leave screeching to sea gulls, not politicians

On July 7, Belmar was invaded by screeching sea gulls and screeching politicians. Gov. Jon Corzine, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Sen. Robert Menendez and Rep. Frank Pallone were given their orders on the current Numbocratic talking points issued by Sens. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. They were all taught to scream in unison “Don’t Drill – Don’t Drill, it will take 10 years before we get any benefits!”

However, if we do start to drill now:

1. Thousands of new American jobs will be created, now.

2. Probably it will take less than two years to come online, assuming we can get the hot-airblowing bureaucrats out of the way.

3. American dollars will be spent here and not given to countries that seek our destruction.

4. More American revenue will produce more taxes, so that larger investments can be made in other forms of energy.

Let’s leave the screeching to the sea gulls.
Barry Caulfield
Fair Haven