SPOTSWOOD — The borough is moving forward with plans to improve water lines on Mott Place, the Clover Estates development and Willard Clark Circle.
Before approving the improvements at a recent meeting, the Borough Council had to fix a mistake that was made when the funding mechanism was approved for the work at a prior meeting. Mott Place had been left off the list, according to Council President Curtis Stollen, because officials did not think it would need to address the road.
Officials realized Mott Place, off Summerhill Road, would need work after residents there experienced water discoloration recently, a problem that officials thought they had resolved. Because Mott Place is a dead end, the water lines often have static water, which can cause it to come out of the pipes in a rather unappealing color, Stollen said.
The plan is to loop the lines in order to keep the water there moving and bring an end to the discoloration. First, as a temporary fix, the borough flushed the lines on Mott Place.
“We will loop the water lines to prevent the water from being static at the end of the line,” Stollen said.
The work on Mott Place and in the large Clover Estates development, off Old Stage Road, must be performed before the weather gets cold, he said. The borough will hold a special meeting to award the contracts for work on those streets.
The work on Williard Clark Circle will be performed in 2009 and will make up phase two of the project, according to Stollen. He said the area has suffered at least nine water main breaks in a certain part of the development.
“The ground is acidic and the pipe is rotting,” Stollen said.
The borough has to replace the feed that runs to Willard Clark Circle, located off Snowhill Street.
“This will be phase two and will be done next year,” he said.