Marlboro resident says FRHSD superintendent must resign

It is in a state of utter shock that I write this letter. It would seem that Greater Media Newspapers Executive Editor Greg Bean and News Transcript Managing Editor Mark Rosman — two guys whose opinions I always respect — have gone off the tracks and into the swamp with their commentary regarding disgraced Freehold Regional High School District Superintendent of Schools James Wasser.

The FRHSD Board of Education representatives can and should be seeking his ouster immediately. Ultimately this is all about the kids. The kids deserve a leader with a moral compass … one not pointing to the center.

This man clearly conspired with his underlings in their bogus degrees since it was easy pickings. The taxpayers were scammed.

This man claims he thought the school legit. A school chased from two states and an African nation. A school which sent receipts for Wasser’s “education” to a local newspaper with receipts spelled wrong!

How he can be in charge of the people who supposedly are leading our children into the future, helping them choose a path and, yes, a school, when he himself can’t differentiate between a real school and a bogus one? How do we tell our kids hard work pays off when the leader of the school district takes the easy way out?

A report from the New Jersey Department of Education is meaningless since it amounts to little more than a report on trough swillers by trough swillers.

Should we expect these bureaucrats to protect us? Surely I don’t. That is the purpose of our local and regional boards of education. How are they standing by?

This man’s behavior warrants his removal, his belligerence since his actions were made public warrants tar and feathers. To say basically, “I scammed you fair and square and be grateful I didn’t scam you worse because I could have” is nothing less than dastardly.

In a wealthy district that deserves the cream of the crop from the world of education, why should we have to settle on scoundrels skimming the cream off the top?

I have and will continue to call on Marlboro’s representative to the FRHSD board to do what she was elected to do: represent us and call for Wasser’s resignation immediately.
Paul J. Schlaflin