EAST BRUNSWICK — Temple B’nai Shalom will host two exhibits simultaneously on Israel starting today.
One is an exhibit and sale of Israeli art from Safrai Gallery; the other is a New Jersey-Israel Commission photo and documentary exhibit. Both will be on display at the synagogue, Fern and Old Stage roads, from Sept. 11-14.
The Safrai Gallery of Jerusalem exhibit, “A Festival of Israeli Art,” features more than 1,500 pieces by more than 100 Israeli artists. The works include oils, watercolors, serigraphs, lithographs, woodcuts and etchings, priced from $40 to $1,000. The tour can be previewed online at www.safrai.com or www.bnaishalom.com.
“This is truly a community event,” said Rebecca Brenowitz of Temple B’nai Shalom. “It is a wonderful way to celebrate Israel’s 60th, and what better way is there than to invite the community in to browse, admire and purchase beautiful art.
A percentage of the proceeds from the art sales will go directly to the Israeli artists and the artistic community in Israel, she added.
The Safrai Gallery tour is traditionally the largest viewing of Israeli art available in the U.S. The daily viewing schedule at Temple B’nai Shalom will be as follows:
• Sept. 11, 7-10 p.m.: Special opening exhibit guided tours;
• Sept. 12, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m.: There will also be additional evening hours for viewing and tagging after Shabbat services;
• Sept. 13 from 8-11 p.m.: A special “art affair with flair,” including an exhibition and sale reception, desserts and coffee.
• Sept. 14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.: Last chance to view and purchase works.
Additionally, Temple B’nai Shalom has been awarded the privilege from the New Jersey-Israel Commission office in Trenton to host “The Israel @ 60 Exhibit.” It is being loaned to select venues within the state with the main purpose to use the exhibit as an educational and advocacy tool in supplementing Israel “hasborah” programs and Jewish Federation outreach efforts. The exhibit illustrates the 60-year connection and highlights New Jersey’s 20-year sister-state relationship with Israel, memorialized by the 1988 sisterstate agreement signed by then-Gov. Tom Kean.
There is no charge to view either upcoming exhibition. Business advertising opportunities are available, and for additional information on advertising or the exhibitions, call Temple B’nai Shalom at 732-251-4300, ext. 222 or 225, or 732-690- 1005.