Praise with reservations

Laura DeRuve, of Kendall Park
   I would like to thank Mayor Frank Gambatese’s office, and more specifically Ron Schmalz, his human relations officer, for promptly researching and dealing with a situation I brought to their attention last week’s Township Council meeting, involving an Obama sign that someone placed on Route 1 that is against township codes and without permission. Mr. Schmalz got the zoning board and township clerk to immediately address this issue and the owner of the sign has been asked to take the sign down.
   I hope the mayor insists that all parties involved follow up on this immediately so that this sign does not remain up throughout the campaign season, even if it means the township takes it down and charges the owner for removal.
   If a Republican placed an illegal McCain sign in the township, the Democratic council would be all over the offending party.
   It is nice to see opposing parties working together for the benefit of the township. Hopefully, after the election, we will once again have a two-party council and this will be able to continue.
Laura DeRuve, of Kendall Park
Ms. DeRuve is the treasurer of the South Brunswick Republican Organization.