“Breaking Legs,” a comedy involving successful mobsters, a beautiful daughter and a college professor, will be presented by the Performing Arts Department of Middlesex County College for four performances this fall. Held at the New Studio Theater in the College Center on the Edison campus, “Breaking Legs” will be presented at 8 p.m. Oct. 16, 17 and 18 and at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 19. Tickets are $7 general admission and $5 for students and seniors.
“Breaking Legs,” written by Tom Dulak, features Danielle Manente of Parlin, Kevin Gabel of Woodbridge, Matt Salomon of East Brunswick, Louis Dell’Omo of Ocean, Andros Thomson of Somerset, Norman Politziner of Monroe, and Ryan Hanna of Piscataway. Lynn Winik of the Middlesex County College faculty is the director.
For tickets and information, call 866- 411-4111. Seating is not reserved.