Residents, businesses supported band show

To the editor:
   The list of people to thank for the success of our recent band competition is a long one, but I would like to try to condense it here.
   First, I would like to thank our program advertisers for supporting the Manville High School Marching Band.
   I would also like to thank the members of the Street Dreams Car Club for their help during the competition and for their trophy sponsorship.
   Mayor Lillian Zuza also needs to be mentioned for sponsoring the Mayor’s Trophy and for being on hand to award that trophy to New Providence High School Marching Band for the highest overall score.
   Speaking of trophies, all of our trophies were sponsored by the people and the businesses of the town of Manville and all are deserving of a heart-felt round of thanks for their support.
   Last, and certainly not least, I would like to thank the members of the Manville Music Organization Inc. for all of the hard work they did prior to and the night of the competition.
   Without the support and dedication of all of these people and businesses to the youth of Manville, the competition would not have been the success that it was. Thank you all.

David A. Pfoutz

The writer served as chairman for the Manville High School Marching Band Competition, held Oct. 18.