‘Green Team’ training Nov. 15 in Freehold

The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders and the Monmouth County Cool Cities Partnership will hold Green Team training 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 15 at the Monmouth County Agriculture Building, 4000 Kozloski Road, Freehold Township.

Green Teams empower residents to help the environment by becoming more energy efficient through the reduction of waste and improved reuse and recycling. The training will feature a presentation by Middlesex County Freeholder H. James Polos, who initiated the “Go Green, Save Green” campaign in Middlesex County.

Part of that campaign is a partnership between Middlesex County and the state Department of Environmental Protection and Board of Public Utilities to help municipalities develop green initiatives such as buying hybrid vehicles and encouraging “green” building techniques.

For more information, call Laura Kirkpatrick at 732-431-7310.