Mayor should leave, regardless of progress on projects

First and foremost, I have no love for any of the people who are politically active in the Jackson arena. I think they are all acting like little babies who are jumping and gnawing at each other to have the so-called power of mayor of Jackson.

However, to get to my main point, why hasn’t Mayor Mark Seda left office yet?

First he stated he would leave office on Oct 17. Now he says he has unfinished business and must stay until it is resolved. That statement is ridiculous.

Let’s say Seda did run his full term (through June 2010). Do you mean to tell me there wouldn’t be any loose ends or unfinished projects because his term was up?

You mean President Bush has to stay because he still has projects to finish?

Trust me, Mr. Seda, we need you as much as we need George W. Bush. Just turn over the unfinished projects to the next incumbent mayor and let’s call it a day.
Michael W Sachs