Funds will be used to develop trails, parking access and amenities at nine FoHVOS preserves throughout Hopewell Township
Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space (FoHVOS) has received a $19,000 grant award from the federal Recreational Trails Program. The funds will be used to develop trails, parking access and amenities at nine FoHVOS preserves throughout Hopewell Township.
According to Michael Van Clef, FoHVOS’ stewardship director, plans include nearly 8 miles of new trails. Amenities will include preserve signs, informational kiosks, benches and trailside natural history interpretive signage. In addition, parking improvements will include newly constructed lots at three preserves and improvements at other preserves.
”This generous grant is a huge boost to our ‘A Park Near You’ program that aims to put family friendly hiking opportunities within easy reach of every resident of the Hopewell Valley,” stated Dr, Van Clef.
FoHVOS plans to complete all work by summer 2011, with work beginning in earnest during the spring of 2009. As trails become available, they will be posted on: Since the grant does not provide for staff funding, the work will rely heavily on volunteer labor. Anyone interested in helping with the project may contact Dr. Van Clef at [email protected].
In New Jersey, the competitive Recreational Trails grant program is administered by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Natural Lands Management. Funding is provided by the Federal Highway Administration.