After five years in the making, the Northern Burlington County Regional School District is proud to announce the launch of its new television broadcast channel, Northern TV. This broadcast will be televised on Comcast’s Channel 19, which will be the new home and community resource for everything “Northern.”
Northern Burlington’s dream of being able to reach its community and enter their living rooms, via the television, has been realized. Thanks to James Dowd and Matt Pona, the video production teachers; James Sarruda, the Superintendent and visionary for this program; Matt Konowicz, the Assistant Principal and Director of Applied Technology who helped launch Northern TV; the district can now potentially broadcast special student productions, student events, informational presentations, sporting events, award assemblies, and much more.
Northern TV will be running 24 hours a day on Comcast Channel 19; also, it will soon be running simultaneously via the school’s Web site, The Northern Burlington School District believes that this television station will provide a host of learning opportunities for its students, as well as strengthen the district’s bond with its community. As Matt Konowicz put it,” The untapped resource in this community is overwhelming. To see the excitement around this anticipated feat and to wrap your hands around the student potential is awesome. When we mesh the technological resources that have surfaced, Northern TV will be the results of a host of experiences for our students and our local community.”