HOPEWELL: Music Together donates $5,000 for playgrounds

Hopewell Borough playgrounds are scheduled for construction in June

By Ruth Luse, Managing Editor
   Music Together LLC is donating $5,000 to the Hopewell Borough Playground Project (HBPP) to help build new playgrounds at Hopewell Park and at the Hopewell Railroad Station site.
   Music Together also will hold a fundraising concert for the playground project in March 2009.
   ”We’re thrilled to receive such generous support from Music Together,” said Michelle Brennan HBPP general coordinator.
   ”From the project’s inception, we’ve envisioned musical instruments and interactive play as important features of the new playgrounds. The $5,000 donation is a big step toward our total fundraising goal of $109,000 for the two playgrounds. We’re deeply grateful to Music Together for helping us make the new play spaces a reality,” Ms. Brennan said.
   ”Music Together is proud to support the Hopewell Borough Playground Project because its philosophy is similar to ours,” said Susan Van Sickle, school director for the Center for Music and Young Children, which is Music Together’s lab school in the greater Princeton area.
   ”The new playgrounds will be safe, pleasurable environments for families and friends, constructed out of environmentally friendly materials. These echo Music Together’s educational philosophy and strong environmental commitment.
   ”When I heard that musical instruments would be part of the playground experience, I knew that’s where Music Together would want to help. A donation to the playgrounds is a great way for us to support learning through play in the community that’s now home to our international headquarters,” Ms. Van Sickle added.
   The new Hopewell Borough playgrounds are scheduled for construction from June 17-21, 2009. As in an old-fashioned barn-raising, hundreds of volunteers of all ages and skill levels will be needed to work side-by-side to build the playgrounds, with guidance from volunteer construction captains as well as playground designers, Leathers & Associates. Food and childcare will be provided.
   To volunteer, visit www.hopewellplayground.com and fill out the online form.
   For more information about the Hopewell Borough Playground Project, visit www.hopewellplayground.com.
   Music Together is an early childhood music program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research-based developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement.
   The international headquarters of Music Together is located at 225 Hopewell-Pennington Road (Route 654) in Hopewell Township.