Audit, The Runway and Legal Services for the Elderly are topics

   Mercer County has earned its second consecutive “clean” audit after the independent audit group that reported on county finances found only minor issues, illustrating the county continues to improve its financial standing despite difficulties caused by the recession.
   The audit was performed by The Mercadien Group of Hamilton, which reviewed the financial statements of Mercer County from Jan. 1, 2007 through Dec. 31, 2007. The auditors also examined the county’s compliance with state and federal laws, gauged its internal control over financial reporting, and measured the accuracy of its stated financial strength.
   Mercer County was given a “clean opinion,” the highest opinion possible at the conclusion of an audit, according to Gene Elias, a partner of The Mercadien Group, who delivered the audit to the county’s Board of Chosen Freeholders Dec. 16.
   The audit found Mercer County should resolve two outstanding issues from prior years, but Mr. Elias described these “findings”—the term used by the auditor to describe potentially harmful reporting problems—as minor.
   The first finding calls for the county to annually update its “fixed assets inventory,” which lists properties, vehicles, equipment and other assets owned by the county. The audit said the inventory was current at the end of 2006 but not at the end of 2007.
   The second finding recommends the county review old grants receivable and old authorizations for improvements and either collect on those grants or cancel the old authorizations in order to streamline finances.
   The audit performed by Mercadien on the County’s 2006 finances and presented in October 2007 was clear of any “findings,” marking the first time in many years that Mercer County achieved a clean audit report.
   Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes welcomes the return of restaurant service to the Trenton-Mercer Airport with the opening of The Runway, a new eatery that recently opened in the Main Terminal Building of the airport. A grand opening celebration is set for Jan. 9 from 3-7 p.m. The event will feature live entertainment provided by “Rick and Kenny” and assorted hors’ d’oeuvres.
   What is unique about The Runway is that every table has a view of the airfield, making for an interesting dining experience. Nighttime provides an even more unique view as aircraft movements are combined with the various beacons and lighting that help with safety and navigation.
   For more information, contact “The Runway” at 883-1002.
   Mr. Hughes and the Mercer County Legal Services for the Elderly will begin offering seniors a new site for intake and screening for legal services for Mercer County residents age 60 and older.
   Beginning in January, the legal services sessions will now be offered at Mercer County Connection in Hamilton. The project currently offers seniors legal assistance at the main office at 198 W. State St. in Trenton and a number of other off-site locations on a wide variety of aging-related, civil matters and issues including Power Of Attorney, Wills for Small Estates, Living Wills, Social Security, Medicare Problems, Consumer Matters, Tenants’ Rights and Bankruptcy.
   The sessions will be hosted on the first Wednesday of each month, 10 a.m.-noon, beginning Jan. 7 at County Connection, Mercer County Administration’s satellite office located at Route 33 at Paxson Avenue in the Acme Shopping Center. A non-attorney volunteer will interview the client and refer the matter in to the main office for review by an attorney. In this manner, clients can receive initial advice and referral at a convenient location.
   Appointments each month are required and limited. Prescreening to schedule an appointment is necessary. Call 695-6249, ext. 2411, for an appointment.