RED BANK — Members of the Red Bank Area Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society will be saying “I love you” in song during Valentine’s Day week and will be leaving thousands of sweethearts speechless.
This year, hundreds of barbershop quartets across the continent will deliver singing valentines to thousands of special sweethearts.
Listen for the sound of harmony in offices, factories, schools and homes throughout North America.
Wherever they appear, they’ll draw a crowd — and sometimes a few tears.
The quartets belong to the Barbershop Harmony Society,
Locally, quartets will provide singing valentines on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12, 13 and 14. For details call Jon Greene at 732-583-1684 or log on to
The price of a typical singing valentine starts around $50 (depending on location) and often includes two songs sung in barbershop harmony, a card and a rose.
Men and women alike are on the receiving end — with moving results.
The providers of singing valentines include members of the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines International, and Harmony Inc.
Valentine providers can be located on the Web at The society also offers a toll-free number for those without Internet access: 800-876- SING; ask for singing valentines.