Burned-out bulbs inexcusable in North Brunswick

Iwanted to reinforce North Brunswick Mayor Francis “Mac” Womack’s comments:

As a resident of Colonial Gardens, having resided here for 17 years, many homes in this area and perhaps other areas as well, were equipped with medallions on the front of their homes, which contain porcelain numbers and are wired for lighting, containing from two to four bulbs to illuminate the address.

Though wired for lighting 24/7, many of these homes no longer are lighted, as can be evidenced by driving by these homes at night.

I am convinced that many of the homeowners are unaware as to where to obtain the replacement bulbs for these simple devices.

As one who also is concerned about the safety of my neighbors, I think it would be a great time for my neighbors to take one of the burned-out bulbs to Radio Shack, which is the only known source for these bulbs.

Replacement bulbs will last for several years and the maintenance cost is minimal as they are powered by the home’s lowvoltage/ doorbell wiring.
Bob Penick
North Brunswick