Hazlet Township Committee delivers results for town

Al Solana’s Jan. 22 letter, ” ‘Taxlet’ needs to cut bloated employee base, rein in raises,” distorted the current Hazlet Township Committee’s record of responsible leadership.

Mr. Solana understandably complains about high taxes. No one likes paying them. However, since the Democrats gained a majority in 2007, Mayor Kevin Lavan, Deputy Mayor Joe Belasco, and Committeemen Jim DiNardo and Joe Marques have worked tirelessly to turn our community around after years of Republican mismanagement and corruption. Under their leadership, Hazlet has enacted policies to reduce wasteful spending and save money by sharing services. The township workweek went from five to four days. The sewerage authority was eliminated. Monmouth County absorbed the responsibilities — and most of the cost — of the local board of health. The Township Committee has also applied for and received a record number of state and county grants to improve roads, purchase open space, and expand recreational opportunities for young people.

On the other hand, according to the Monmouth County Tax Board, Republicans increased Hazlet’s municipal tax rate by 28 percent between 2004 and 2006. During that time, Democrats vocally opposed wasteful spending projects such as the unnecessary construction of the new town hall. They opposed the sale of open space, arguing correctly that our community should preserve what little undeveloped land we have left. They also led the effort to recall a Republican mayor who refused to resign amidst charges of corruption. By no means are Hazlet Democrats free from error. Party affiliation alone is not an indicator of good judgment. However, the town hall boondoggle, the sale of precious open space, and most disconcerting, the illegal bribetaking and jail time all occurred while Republicans controlled the Township Committee.

Considering this, Democrats faced significant challenges when they assumed control of the Township Committee in 2007. Their subsequent efforts demonstrate not only their competence. It demonstrates that the people’s trust is well placed. Today, Mayor Lavan, Deputy Mayor Belasco, and Committeemen DiNardo and Marques continue to act upon an agenda that includes stabilizing property taxes, preserving open space, and improving recreation for young people. Mr. Solana can resort to unsubstantiated criticism and name calling, but for the sake of his wallet, and more importantly, Hazlet’s future, I take pride in a Township Committee that delivers results for our community.

Vincent Solomeno
