By Cindy Kandrac
The Board adopted revised policy #5112 – Entrance Age at their February 11, 2009 board meeting. The revised policy provides: "A child living in Lawrence Township shall become eligible for registration in the district’s public schools and admission to kindergarten at the beginning of the school year, if the child will be five years old on or before October 1."
Kindergarten registration for the 2009-2010 school year will be held at each of the district’s four elementary schools during the month of February. Registration will be held between the hours of 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at each of the elementary schools, as outlined: February 23 at Slackwood Elementary School; February 24 at Lawrenceville Elementary School; February 25 at Ben Franklin Elementary School; and February 26 at Eldridge Park Elementary School. Parents/Guardians should go the registration session at the school their child will attend, as determined by the attendance boundary in which the child lives.
If unable to attend their school’s specific registration, parents/guardians may attend one of the other sessions being offered on the dates listed above. Children do not need to attend the registration.
At registration, the following materials need to be presented:
1. Birth Certificate with raised seal or passport of the child.
2. Immunization Records. Physician certified immunization records in English.
3. Proof of Identity. Parent/Guardian must provide proof of identity.
4. Proof of Residency. Three current documents, such as an up-to-date lease, mortgage, deed, or property tax bill. Additional documentation may includeutility bills, voter registration, homeowners insurance, bank statement, welfare card, current driver’s license, vehicle registration card, billing receipt, or documentation showing attachment to Lawrence address.
5. A court order pertaining to the custody of the child, if applicable.
Guidelines for registration, registration forms and immunization requirements are available on the district’s web site at under “Student Registration.” This will take you to the site of the District Registrar and other links regarding registration. Registration packets will also be available at the elementary schools and the Administration Building.
Parents/Guardians who miss the February registration should call 609-671-5401 to schedule an appointment with the District Registrar.
Questions? Contact Cynthia Kandrac, district registrar, at (609) 671-5549 or [email protected].