S.B., Rutgers libraries assisting unemployed

New Jersey libraries are responding to the needs of the community as the economy continues to reel and New Jersey’s unemployment rate soars. Libraries are adding programs to help community members who have lost their jobs to learn new skills, cope with new challenges and to ease fears.

South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction section of South Brunswick, is offering tax seminars presented by H&R Block. “General Tax Tips/Common Tax Errors and Missed Deductions” will be from 1:30-3 p.m.; and “Educational Expenses” from 3:30-4:45 p.m., both Feb. 14. For more information, call the library at 732-329- 4000, ext. 7280.

Rutgers University, 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, is offering essential tips and tools for job searchers in its research guide. The career and employment services research guide covers the steps of an organized and thorough job search, and offers resources on topics such as career exploration, planning, and development; job search strategies; and résumés and cover letters. There are also includes links to 27 job posting meta-sites.

For more information, visit www.liraries. rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_ guides/career/career.shtml or call Harry at 732-932-7505.