Resident takes issue with council member

It seems that the only thing acidic politico Anthony Russomanno and the rest of his old-guard cronies know how to do these days is churn out hateful and deceitful claims in the newspaper. Russomanno spends his time conspiring with those who have wronged Edison for years and rants against Mayor Jun Choi, who has actually shown the fortitude to shake things up in a town that had been misled for years.

Russomanno’s fountain of negativity ignores the fact that he has been part of the establishment for decades. For years, Russomanno and his former running mates, Bill Stephens and the new mayor-wannabe, Antonia Ricigliano, sat by and ignored the needs of the town’s infrastructure — roads, public safety equipment, public buildings, etc. Overdevelopment became an issue for them during election season. But where were Russomanno, Stephens and Ricigliano while this township was built out beyond what it could handle? Why, of course, they sat on old guard-appointed boards, or in seats as members of the Democratic machine’s committee or even as elected members of the town’s legislative body. They sat in chairs where they could have done something, and they did nothing. Nothing. Because doing something would have interfered with their personal agenda. And as usual, the Russomanno-Stephens- Ricigliano trio now spend their time hurling insults and destructive criticisms without offering any type of alternative solutions.

Edison has come a long way in just three years of a new direction. I know more about my government and the actions of it because Choi has brought more issues to the public than ever before. Development plans for Routes 1 and 27 were vetted through a series of public meetings. More board meetings are on public access TV now than ever before. The town’s Web site is finally representative of Edison, and there is more useful information about government than I have ever seen. More new people have become part of the process. New, capable people are taking up the challenge of participating on government boards and committees.

I was tired of the small exclusive club having a stranglehold on a town as big and great as Edison. There is no way anyone should turn it back over to those who spent so many years damaging it.

Edison is headed to great places under the energetic, passionate and intelligent leadership of Mayor Choi. Let’s keep it that way, because the alternative will take us back to a place in time that none of us want to relive.
Jake Lynn