Unfair attack on WW Planning Board

Janet Lerner of West Windsor
    Ms. Carole Carson’s remarks alleging that disrespect was exhibited by Mayor Shing-Fu Hsueh and Chairman Marvin Gardner of the West Windsor Township Planning Board towards WW residents are probably more true in reverse than as stated. As stated, it appears to be a vicious attack upon two highly respected township officials — an attack which is totally uncalled for and unwarranted. So, let’s just put it to rest and get on with the truth of the matter.
   I have been an ardent supporter of the completion of a redevelopment plan for West Windsor Township since it’s formal beginnings about three years ago, having attended most meetings concerning same, inclusive of these last three meetings of the Planning Board. These meetings were held at the request of the Township Council to review their redevelopment draft with comments and recommendations. This task was to be completed within 45 days. To its credit, the Planning Board was able to complete its task within 15 days, giving the council more time to consider and plan a final rendition for submission to the state for approval.
   All who wished to make public comment were able to exercise that right with no problem — including myself, other individuals and several organizations. No time limits for speaking were set. If a topic was introduced by a speaker that was beyond the scope that the Planning Board had been directed to address by the Township Council, the speaker was directed by the chair to bring that topic back to the council for discussion as there was no provision for it in the council draft. There was some frustration exhibited by one speaker representing an organization when unable to proceed with his presentation; however, Marvin Gardner did explain that the Planning Board did not have the authority to speak for the Township Council regarding the issue the organization wished to present, stating that the appropriate place for productive discussion was the council. I observed no disrespect intended or exhibited on anyone’s part during any of these three meetings. I was there and will attest to that.
Janet Lerner
West Windsor