Michael’s Feat spring gala March 20

The nonprofit Michael’s Feat, Aberdeen, will host its spring gala 7-11 p.m. March 20 at the Battleground Country Club, Manalapan. The Michael Gerard Puharic Memorial Fund Inc. (Michael’s Feat) assists local families caring for seriously ill newborns.

The black-tie-optional event will feature appetizers, an open bar, desserts, live entertainment, dancing and a silent auction. Honorees will be Kristen and Rushil Sankpal, Belford section of Middletown. Their son Ethan was born at 24 weeks and spent nine months in the hospital.

Tickets are $100 per person, and $900 for a table of 10. Sponsorships are available. For tickets or more information, call Dana at 732-239-7887 or visit www.michaelsfeat. org.