Town lucky to have Rosenberg on school board

Ann Ismaili, Hillsborough
   I am a Hillsborough resident who has three children in the school district. It is the schools that attracted my family to this town.
   We are so fortunate as a community to have schools where our children have opportunities to be the best that they can be.
   We are also fortunate to have dedicated Board of Education members who put our children first. I believe that Marc Rosenberg is a true example of this.
   Mr. Rosenberg has given many years of service to this community, and for the last three years has represented all the children well while serving on the Board of Education. Mr. Rosenberg takes each topic that is presented to the board and pours his heart and soul into coming up with the best solution to benefit the most children and the community at the same time.
   He is not afraid to go out into the community and listen to what we all have to say and think. He cares.
   He wants the district to continue to produce confident and positive contributors to society.
   With Mr. Rosenberg’s background and his dedication, we, the citizens of Hillsborough, will be fortunate to have him serve for three more years.