Jeffrey Chang of West Windsor
Having grown up in West Windsor and been proud of my township’s development, I have been concerned with our progress in recent years. As I watch the race for mayor, there is only one candidate who is coming up with new ideas for really doing something.
The other two candidates seem not to have any new ideas, so they are stooping to dirty tricks from misleading information to outright falsehoods.
Charlie Morgan is the only one running a positive campaign. I think West Windsor needs a mayor who actually has positive ideas for change and who isn’t all about negative attacks on other people. We need a mayor able to implement creative ideas balanced with strong moral integrity.
For example, I have been surprised to see the mayor shutting down his West Windsor Community Foundation after distributing more than $60,000 around West Windsor just before an election. Charlie Morgan has been asking for a community foundation for several years to help keep our taxes down. And now the mayor’s supporters on council want to add more to our taxes when a foundation could pay for it instead of us.
It seems like Charlie Morgan is the only one who cares about our high taxes while the mayor and his supporters are talking about a Triple AAA bond “savings” that costs $214 for every $44 saved.
We seriously need change. We need Mr. Morgan as Mayor with Nitin Shah and Anupam Gupta on council. We need to go to the polls on May 12 and vote for positive change — Morgan, Shah and Gupta.
Jeffrey Chang
West Windsor