League reminds residents to vote in primary June 2

The League of Women Voters of New Jersey (LWVNJ) reminds all citizens that New Jersey’s primary election will take place June 2. Primary candidates to be voted on will include candidates for New Jersey Governor, New Jersey State Assembly, and some New Jersey State Senate special election seats.

Only the Democratic and Republican parties will be on the ballot for the primary. New Jersey holds closed primaries, meaning voters select from candidates within their declared party. Any voter who declared a party when registering to vote or who previously declared a party during a primary is affiliated with that party and will only be allowed to vote in that party’s primary — the deadline has passed for an already affiliated voter to change their party affiliation for this primary.

However, please note registered unaffiliated voters, those who have not declared a party affiliation on their registration form or during a previous primary, may declare at any time up to and including primary election day at the polls and vote in that party’s primary. If any voter is unsure of their affiliation, they should call their county commissioner of registration or superintendent of elections office.

In New Jersey, anyone can vote by absentee ballot for any reason. Absentee ballot applications can be found on the League of Women Voters of New Jersey website, www.lwvnj.org and applications must be returned to the county clerk. Voters have until 3 p.m. June 1, the day before the election, to apply for an absentee ballot in person at the county clerk’s office. Office locations can be found on the New Jersey Division of Elections website at www.njelec tions.org/loc_officials_doe.ht ml or you may call the League of Women Voters of New Jersey at 800-792-8683.

A week before the election, registered voters will receive a sample ballot in the mail. Sample ballots contain important information including:

• The location of your polling place

• The hours the polls are open (6 a.m.-8 p.m.

• The offices to be voted on and candidates’ names

• Operating instructions for the voting machines

• Instructions for how to write in a candidate

For answers to questions about the June primary including declaring a party affiliation, applying for an absentee ballot, finding your polling place and sample ballots, call the League of Women Voters of New Jersey at 800-792- 8683. In addition, a list of candidates can be found on NJVoterInfo.org, Eagleton Institute of Politics’ website.
Jesse Burns
Director of
and Projects